Our Story
While my day job provides me with an outlet for my creativity, my heart and passion have always been elsewhere. I grew up in a small town nestled in the highest mountain of the Balkan Peninsula. As kids we ran carefree through endless green meadows on the mountain, played fearlessly in the forests, and gathered wildflowers, berries and mushrooms. We watched the sunset with its various colours dying the fields and hills, and breathed in the crystal-clear pine air, surrounded by the mightiness of the mountains. These are still some of my strongest and most beautiful memories.
Often, I joined my grandmother when she gathered wild herbs such as chamomile, thyme, oregano, yarrow and St John’s Wort. Wild berries were also a favourite, including, rosehip, elderberry and blackthorn. We used to dry them for tea or prepare tinctures (remedies), herbal infusions, or compotes. It felt so natural, so caring and so much a part of home.
Since then, herbs have always been part of my life. Whether I’ve moved houses or moved countries, I’ve always had either pots on the balcony or a spot in the garden planted with aromatic, healing, delicious herbs. The most fascinating thing for me is that you can use them in so many diverse ways, from a refreshing morning tea, a natural medicine you take when you catch a cold or as an addition to meals for extra fragrance and beautiful nutrient properties. Herbs truly have many uses, and I consider them to be nature’s multitaskers!
A few years ago, after my daughter was born, I started to look for the best in skincare products for her. Through research and reading, I discovered the power of natural and organic skincare. Since then, I’ve never ever touched, used, or bought skincare products that contain toxins.
My curiosity led me to take a Diploma in Natural Skincare Formulation and Holistic Herbal Product Making Diploma courses, an Essential Oil Safety and Natural Perfume Masterclasses, an Aromatherapy, Lipid Formulation classes and many more. It was a whole new fantastic world that combined my true passions – exploring the power of plants, experimenting with natural oils and enjoying natural fragrances – and caring for the people I love.
It has taken one pandemic and a lockdown to be able to share this story and my herbal skincare range with the world. I truly hope that you will enjoy these products as much as my family, friends and I do.
And although they are handcrafted by heart, they are actually mastered by Nature!